Welcome to दीर्घ_सन्धि QUIZ.
This quiz has 20 questions carrying 3 points each. 1 point will be deducted for every wrong answer. You can also skip the question if do not want to answer.
Good luck!
1. ______ + _______ = सूर्यास्तः
5. _____ + _____ = धर्माधर्मः
6. _____ + _____ = विद्यार्थी
7. _____ + _____ = सत्याग्रहः
9. _____ + _____ = प्रधानाचार्यः
This application are very good but when we take retake test the same question are repeated please when we retake test the different questions
Thanks for your suggestion.. we will work on it for sure.